About Me

My name is Nikki, i'm 21 years old and i'm chubby. Actually, i'd consider myself a little bit past chubby but heigh ho.
When I was little I was fairly slim, however after a traumatic experience I began to confort eat and I got bigger and bigger from there. I developed bad habits and became far too fond of chocolate. 
I've wanted to lose weight for such a long time and I have tried things but they didn't work for me. 
I've tried Slimming world but after months and months I only lost about 6lbs. Slimming world didn't work for me because it teaches you nothing about portion control and having to figure out how many syns certain foods were was a pain.
I have joined a gym but it wasn't enjoyable at all and I couldn't force myself to go, plus it's expensive. Jogging is free but I feel like if I went out jogging people would look at me and think "look at fatty over there!".
To top it all off, i'll admit it - I am lazy about certain things and there has been a degree of laziness when it comes to losing weight. But with Diet Chef it's all done for you, no weighing or calorie counting. Just heat up the food and eat it, so I have no excuse now.
One of the things I have difficult when researching Diet Chef was finding photographs of the food once its on a plate with vegetables. Obviously they have pictures of the website but we all know once the food is on your plate it doesn’t look like it does in the pictures. But when I stumbled across Daisy’s blog I found just what I was looking for.  She photographs all of her meals and since it was so helpful to me, that’s what i’ll be doing.
I don't have a particular weight of clothing size i'd like to be, I just know how I want to look - and that's not skinny. I would be happy to be a size 12, I just want less wobbly bits and a flatter tummy. The one thing I'm scared about is losing my boobs - they are about the only part of my body that I like! Wish me luck, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. :-)